
Most of you know that I have a hard time relaxing; I’m always looking for a new project to keep me busy. One of the most challenging parts of our adoption process for me is dealing with the stretches of time (sometimes quite long) when we just have to sit and wait for paperwork to go through the correct channels. As I type, our adoption application is hopefully sitting somewhere in Springfield where the designated DCFS intercountry adoption coordinator has to put her seal of approval on our packet. We’ve been told that the turnaround time for this is about 2-3 weeks. Until the homestudy comes back with state approval, we just have to sit and wait.

And it seems like forever.

In order to keep me from pacing around the house like a madwoman, Brian suggested that I tackle a huge gardening project. I had discussed wanting to continue our grand de-lawnification process earlier in the year, and today was simply the perfect day to make that happen.

The front garden bed addition in progress

After a long day in the sun getting dirt permanently wedged under my fingernails, I was able to forget about deadlines, forms, and stroller models.  Though I’m pretty sure I’m going to be terribly sore tomorrow from hauling dirt and mulch, it was worth it!

Voila! The front garden “annex”

What I love most about gardening is how forward-thinking it is. I know that by planting my bulbs and splitting perennials in the fall will yield a much-appreciated spring bloom. I just have to be patient.

Lesson learned.

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