18 Months and Counting

In the midst of another understandably solemn and reflective September 11th, there is great joy in the Kelly house. Our little Alexander is 18 months old today.

This kid loves books!

I can’t help but wonder where he was 18 months ago– who and where his birthparents are, and how he was brought to the safety of the welfare institute. These are all big questions that will likely never be answered.  What we do know, through discussions with his caretakers, photo documentation, and most importantly, getting to know him, is that he is a joyful little boy with a lot of spirit who adapts to new environments with an uncanny ease (and loves having his photo taken!).

I’ve mentioned this in previous posts, but I really am amazed at just how fast he is developing. I know, I know, when it’s your own kid, it seems as though they are the cat’s meow; it’s only a matter of time until Harvard is knocking on your door to recruit your toddler! The thing is, when we first met Alexander, even with preparation, his frail state was frightening. He was pale, tiny, and too weak to hold a rattle. My aunt commented when watching the video of our first meeting that we looked fairly terrified holding him– ecstatic, but terrified.

Slowly but surely, we’ve watched him gain weight and meet developmental milestones with alarming speed.   He’s expanding his palate, and he’s gained over 4 pounds in a few months.  Sure, if you put him next to a healthy 18-month old, he’s comically small. He’s still in 6-month clothing, and there’s one 3-month old button down that still is a little roomy on him; similarly, his 6-month pants are still big. His hair is coming in much thicker now, and his head is finally on the WHO scale for his age, which makes finding shirts that can fit over his head an adventure. We’ve also seen him go from not being able to sit up to by himself… to scooting and crawling… to pulling up… and now to standing and attempting to walk by himself with support, all in the span of a little over 2 months!

One of the most entertaining developments as of late is that Alexander absolutely loves books. If Brian or I sit down with a book, especially one of Alexander’s books, he squeals and starts charging towards us and will happily sit in our lap and turn pages as we read.

Our little man reading with his dad

Our little man reading with his dad

Happy 18 months, little guy! You’ve given so much joy to us in just a few months and we are incredibly blessed to have you in our lives!

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