Carry On



It’s been far too long since HSWT has posted anything related to travel. Well, in several days, all that will change. After our unfortunately mangled autumn travel plans, we were able to reschedule our flights and adventures. Perhaps, more interestingly though, that travel includes me traveling solo with my favorite toddler at a major airport. I repeat, it will be me and Alexander versus the world until we hit baggage claim.

Laugh all you want, but if you’ve ever spent any quality time with a toddler, the thought of navigating an airport (let alone an airplane!) with a toddler is a death-defying feat of bravery. Yes, we’ve traveled with this kid before on a plane, but let’s face it. He was much, much tinier, less vocal, and far less mobile. As in, he could barely sit up on his own. Now he’s all over the place. Consider this a trailer post of some sort– I’m certain that wacky hijinx will ensue as we navigate an airport, attempt to disassemble a stroller at the gate, and board the plane without tantrum (him OR me).  I’ve loaded Alexander’s Mickey backpack with lots of books, snacks, and games; fingers are crossed that he won’t be screaming “All done!” before we’re asked to mind the safety briefing. I did give him a quick peek at the contents just this afternoon, and when we picked up a new book at Target, he requested it for “backpack- airplane!”

HSWT will also be sharing several travel product reviews soon, including the CARES harness, packing cubes, and a travel carseat cover.

Stay tuned as we share our exciting adventures of removing shoes, turning all all electronic devices, and somehow entertaining a toddler above 10,000 ft!







2 thoughts on “Carry On

  1. Bella & I traveled at around the same age to see Robin. Quite the experience! We took a portable DVD player! It worked well on the way down but I forgot to charge it and died as soon as we turned it on for the ride home! Deep breaths! Have a safe trip!

  2. Piece of advice – bring Tylenol on board in case his ears are bothering him. Also, fortunately Alexander can keep his shoes on at security at least 😉 Just think if you can travel in China with a little guy you just met who didn’t yet grasp how awesome mommy is, you can travel with a 2.5 year old who is well aware you’re da bomb. And you provide snacks and entertanment. You will do great!

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