A Guest Commentary: Sit Up for Justice

Sit Up For Justice: A Special Commentary

By Alexander the Great, Regional Correspondent in the Crib Upstairs



Alexander:  Friends, I appeal to you today with great concern. Babies and toddlers everywhere like myself are being repressed by the Man in a single word– nap. Why must we be forced to rest when there is so much to do, so many things to put in our mouth, and so many things to cover with drool? I ask you again, why must we take this lying down? I say, sit up in your cribs with your fists in the air! Sit up, my comrades! Make those who watch you on the monitor wonder if you’re raging or actually asleep. Don’t let them weaken you with the siren song of the white noise machine with its whooshing and whirring. We are stronger, we must prevail, and we must not nap! And let’s not even talk about that turtle light projector thing– distractions, my friends! Distractions  *yawn*  from our mission of exploration. I know I am not alone, as I have with me in this very crib my friend and colleague Kokkinisto the sheep blanket. Kokkinisto, would you like to comment?

Kokkinisto: …

Alexander: There you have it *yawn*. He’s speechless! As I said before…. wait, what’s that that whooshing noise? It’s so…. calming…. Yes, yes. Sit up! Sit up in your cribs for justice and fight the tyranny of having to take a naa…… *thud*

*******2 hours later*********

Alexander: Mommy? Waaaaaa! Why are you waking me up? Wait, where was I? Oh yes, the nap. Darn. Let’s try this anti-nap rally again tomorrow a little after lunchtime. They’ll never see it coming!

Post script- The author of this editorial in no way represents the opinions of Have Stroller, Will Travel. We endorse long, long afternoon naps for all children, if only for the sanity of their parents.

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