Falling Forward


It’s been quite the summer and early fall at our home.

I love a good alien cat photo. Here Valentine tries hiding under a toy-- bad move.

I love a good alien cat photo. Here Valentine tries hiding from the boy under a toy– bad move.

This whole “new parent” thing has been quite the experience thus far. Aside from our grand voyage to bring Alexander home, we’ve survived two fairly large surgeries, evaluations, and enough doctor’s appointments to last us until… well, probably another few months or so. We’ve consoled two terrified felines and have babyproofed our home at an alarming speed. We’ve learned our way around UChicago hospitals enough to know the “good” restrooms, the better-than-average food spots, and have figured out about how long it takes to get into town during rush hour given various morning departure times. We’ve explained cleft palate to a ton of strangers and have learned more child development lingo than we’d care to know. (Did someone say parallel play? How about cruising? Stage three food?)

Both of these sweaters were gifts to Kelly men. Yet, it seems as though Brian and Alexander are developing unintentional matching wardrobes.

Both of these sweaters were gifts to Kelly men. Yet, it seems as though Brian and Alexander are developing unintentional matching wardrobes.

Now, after having just wrapped up our second post-op appointment for Alexander’s lip surgery, we’ve been told we have a few months off. The feeling of relief and the ability to just sit back and enjoy the upcoming holidays is almost too much to handle. Getting to watch Alexander experience so many “firsts” amid the inevitable stress and pain involved with surgeries has been surprisingly manageable, and we can only credit the resilience and tenacity of our little boy.  Sure, we’re trying to handle everything as calmly as possible, but he still continues to amaze us with how joyful he proceeds through life, even when he’s got tubes stuck in his nose and little cuffs on his arms– and you can imagine how many times he inadvertently bumps his little nose.


Check out my new smile!

Check out my new lip!

For those of you who’ve asked how the second surgery went, the answer is two tiny thumbs up. Alexander has a new complete upper lip and a brand new second nostril (and THIS time it is staying!) It’s been more than a little arduous trying to keep a kid’s new nostril clean (insert any number of jokes here), but we’re doing our best.  He didn’t miss a beat when he came home and seems to enjoy having a new and much more usable upper lip. I’ve just started working with him on how to use an open cup and a little bit of utensil use. It’s definitely a challenge given his still burgeoning fine motor skills, but he’s getting there. After a few days of tears at the sight of the cup, today, he actually applauded after successfully taking a drink all on his own.

Amidst all the craziness, it’s been an incredible fall. Alexander was baptized at the end of October surrounded by family and friends, he experienced his first Halloween, and he seems absolutely mesmerized by the colorful falling leaves in our neighborhood. He enjoyed his first bowl of liver dumpling soup and applauded the hunter’s schnitzel  at one of our favorite German beer restaurants, the Bavarian Lodge (You may see a trend here– there’s a lot of clapping around our house these days).  Though we’re trying to live in the present as much as possible, we’ve seen his response to Christmas trees in stores already, and we know this winter is going to be one to remember!

Lt Commander Alexander with his mama

Lt Commander Alexander with his mama

His first leaf collection is underway

His first leaf collection is underway

No autumn is complete without a trip to our beloved Bavarian Lodge

No autumn is complete without a trip to our beloved Bavarian Lodge. Also, note our favorite coaster klepto hard at work.

As I’m wrapping up this post, Alexander is motoring towards me with a tractor in one hand and a push toy in the other. I feel as though it was such a long time ago when first I cradled him in my arms, and he weighed less one of our cats! Now, this little man is flying through picture books and zooming up our staircase.

This kid is going places, and Brian and I are enjoying every bit of this incredible and wild ride.



5 thoughts on “Falling Forward

  1. Words do not adequately express the incredible beauty of your story, your family, your precious little Alexander…He radiates joy from the very essence of his being….Each post brings tears to my eyes…and uplifts my soul. Thank you for sharing this inspiring and heartwarming journey!

  2. Cannot wait to give your little guy a big hug someday. We wish we lived closer – I think he and James would be having so much fun together right now – parallel play and all. 🙂

  3. This post just made me a little teary eyed. How far he has come! I will never forget his pre-surgery smiles – one of my all time favorite joyful smiles. But, I can’t wait to see more of that post-surgery smile. What an amazing boy you two have. Enjoy this season, Kathleen and Brian!

  4. Sounds like you and Brian are doing very well with parenthood and the associated side trips! I still say what you have done for Alexander is incredible! We would love to meet him someday.

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