The Harmonious Period

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I present to you, Alexander Thomas Kelly!

He enjoyed the car ride back to the hotel.IMG_0959

He liked his time in the baby carrier.IMG_0961

But you know what he doesn’t like? Eating and sleeping. Hates those. We’re figuring things out, but it’s certainly no easier than we expected. I foresee a long night and some difficult days, but we’re doing our best to welcome him into our family. Please keep all three of us in your prayers.

30 thoughts on “The Harmonious Period

  1. K and B and A
    Our grandson looks right at home in your arms. Love you guys! (ALL THREE).
    Cant wait to hold him.
    Love Dad and Sandy

  2. So happy to finally see your son in your arms! The first nights will be a challenge I’m sure – so know we are thinking of and praying for you! Love, Lisa, Pat and James

  3. Oh my gosh Actual tears when I saw those pictures. I went to 6:30 am mass today. I checked your page before going and the last post was you eating what looked like ramen noodles. When I got home Jon asked me to open your page so he could read the most recent posts. To go and see that adorable boy. I am so happy for all of you. Welcome to a few years of little sleep 🙂

  4. So excited for you two. He is so adorable and the smile on Brian’s face is priceless. You are going to be perfect and loving parents. Congratulations! Hope I get to see the little guy! God bless your family, and have a safe trip home!

  5. I should know better than to look at htis while I’m at work, now I have to go clean up from the tears of joy! SO happy for you all!!

  6. Beautiful! You guys both look great holding–young Master Alexander Kelly! we are all praying for all three of you as you begin your “get acquainted” time. Certainly can understand Alexander struggling with sleeping and even eating being in a different environment than he has become accustomed to. the changes will take some time for all of you but you will all be wonderful together!

  7. Parenthood seems to agree with you! Kathleen, you look beautiful holding your new son and Brian, you are absolutely beaming with pride!! You are in my prayers as always. St. Anne and the Holy Family are watching out for you. All my love to you.

  8. Wonderful, wonderful! God bless the three of you! You look pretty harmonious. Doesn’t like eating and sleeping? Sounds like a normal kid! This is so exciting – for all of us.

    • I bet you’re the same type of dragon as well! We’ve found out that there’s a five year elemental cycle on top of the twelve year animal cycle. For instance, this year is the year of the water snake, and Alexander was born in the year of the gold dragon.

  9. Love seeing these photos! Especially the way he is looking right into your eyes Kathleen! He knows he is finally w/the people who will love him forever! So happy for all of you & looking forward to meeting Alexander!!

  10. Ok I know this is my second comment on the same post – But I can’t stop looking at Alexander in your arms, Kathleen and Brian. It makes my heart smile. Parenthood looks good on you two. 🙂

  11. My heartiest congratulations on receiving your little angel into your life! Hoping and praying all goes well and anxiously await to meet our new parishioner! Have a safe trip home, God Bless
    Fr. Ken

  12. Alexander is beautiful! You both look like pros at the baby thing. Good thing you are prepared for sleepless nites, it is in the fine print on all parent contracts. 🙂
    You are in our thoughts and prayers, keep the updates coming!!
    Love and blessings,
    Greg and Sandy

  13. I keep watching the time to figure out what time it is for you guys and when you might be checking with this site. Very anxious to see how the first night went. You have occupied a great deal of my thoughts today!!

  14. We’ll see how the posting regimen goes from here on out, but I just wanted to let everyone know that Alexander let us sleep for about 6 hours last night! He’s sitting in Mama’s arms reading a book now.

    Also, a note on time, we’re 13 hours ahead of CDT and 12 hours ahead of EDT, so basically just reverse your AMs and PMs, and you’ll know where we are.

  15. He is so beautiful!!!! All three of you look so happy. We can hardly wait to meet Alexander… All our love to the Kelly family..

  16. He is SO adorable!! Great pictures! Can’t wait to meet him!!! Hope the trip home goes well! Praying for you all!

  17. Wow, 6 hours of sleep on your first night!! That’s pretty impressive!. 🙂 Hoping the remainder of your harmonious period is harmonious.

  18. Wow! Congratulations Mom, Dad and Alexander! I just know you will be the best parents for him. I can’t believe you two slept the night before. I don’t think I could have. Looking forward to more pictures and maybe even seeing him someday!

    All our love

    Karen and Frank G.

  19. Wow! What an adorable little boy! Congratulations! Who knew there are no car seats on China??? Elise will love seeing these pictures.

  20. Oh my Lord your son is just so beautiful! He is right where he belongs now in your arms and everything else is secondary, sending prayers your way! So happy he liked the baby carrier and so happy you can keep your humor, it will help carry you through parenthood 🙂

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