Wait, there’s more!

For all of you faithful AWS fans, I bring good news! There is more adorable kid photos and family chaos over at Have Stroller, Will Travel- the continuing adventures of Alexander the Great.

Have Stroller, Will Travel is a combination of family stories, travel diaries, and product reviews.  We look forward to sharing updates on Alexander through his continuing development and medical care, adoption-related topics, and general family and friend news. We are so very blessed to have family and friends from coast to coast, and we hope that our new site will serve to keep you all as updated as you’d like to be about our family adventures.

How can you not keeping following along with my adventures? You KNOW you want to!

How can you not keep following along with my adventures? You KNOW you want to!

So buckle up, grab your sippy cup or snack trapper, and we’ll see you over at Have Stroller, Will Travel!